Saturday, April 9, 2011

Whooo hoo, new stash stuff!

Any crafter knows the delight of opening a package with new goodies in it. Today I received my order from Joann's and first thing I did was scan it to prove to you I really CAN use other colors than purple, lol. Well, I haven't used them yet but at least I bought them and I will use them on the new block I'm piecing. I promised you that you wouldn't have to look at purple forever and I intend to keep that promise ;)

I also bought bought 2 yards of muslin, much needed Chenille needles (sizes 18 and 22) and a set of looped needle threaders. Not sure how these work - I'll let you know. I decided to try these because I have a hard time handling the typical sized needle threaders. They are so light my fingers can't feel them and my eyes are not good enough to thread the needle threader....doh! But - such is life and we have to figure out a way around these obstacles.

I'm still looking for friends who are new to embroidery. I seem to have two types of friends - those who don't embroider at all, and those who have been doing it for many years. It'd be fun to have someone to share the trials and tribulations with.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Ah the fun of opening a new arriving goodie purchase! I ordered some of those DMC balls from Joann's when I got my embroidery stand. I love them. My hubby just came home on Thursday with a surprise for me of 4 yards of muslin, oh ya love it:) I am waiting for the sale in a week or so that is 50% off all scissors.

    Cant wait to see the projects you make with all your goodies:)

    Ann Flowers

  2. Hi Ann - so nice to see you again!! Thanks for the heads up on the 50% off scissors sale. I could use another set. What a wonderful hubby - bringing you the muslin - that is a never-ending need isn't it? I want an embroidery stand and almost got one but budget constraints made me put it off this time around. You take care of yourself!! Hugs, Di
