My block has no real rhyme nor reason to it but as it's my first block and I need to learn to embroider and embellish, I suppose it doesn't really matter. Just sort of wish I'd followed MamaDi's suggestion to use less lavish fabrics. It would have been easier and cheaper to use cottons. Here are a few of the stitches I've applied to it recently:
Top photo: From upper right-hand corner: Silk Ribbon Embroidery white spider's web rose and pulled ribbon floss; lower down on the right of the basket is a meandering chain stitch and above that is a double chain stitch, fly stitches (in green) on the vertical seam above that and to the left of them is a free style combination of detached chain, lazy daisy and straight plus back stitches and above that are fly stitches.
Bottom photo: Upper right at top-Fly stitch, variety of straight and detached chain stitches, straight and fly stitches in metallic (this is supposed to be a spider's web...guess I better practice more!), then a basket of fuschias in silk ribbon embroidery, a few French and Colonial knots around it. To the left of the basket on the bottom is an interlaced running stitch (using pearl cotton and ribbon floss) with beads; and above that the tete-de-bouef stitch.
As I was doing these stitches I started hankering for more thread colors so I took advantage of a great sale at Joann's and ordered a really big variety. You won't have to look at purple/purple and purple much longer. ;) I already have many 6 strand cotton flosses and overdyed 6 strands but I love the ease of using the pearls. It's easier to wield the larger needles thicker threads with my arthritic hands. They (the hands) just don't want to work with the smaller gauge threads...matter of fact, I can't even 'feel' them between my fingers.
I hope if you're new at embroidery and crazy quilting that you will join me in not giving up when things don't look as splendid as you'd hoped. We just need to keep practicing!
Til another stitch,